A. V. Ravishankar Sarma

Office Address:
HSS Department, PhD common Room,
IIT Bombay, Powai 400076
Residential Address:
H-12, Room. No. A-229
IIT Bombay, Powai 400076
Home: (+91)022 25765612
Office: (+91)022 25722545 4359 (HSS)
Fax: (+91)022 25723480
avrs [AT] hss.iitb.ac.in

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General Information

I am a PhD student at the HSS department, IIT Bombay. I work under the guidance of Prof. Amitabha Gupta and Prof. G. Siva Kumar, in the area of Belief Revision and more specifically, on handling conditionals in Belief revision.
Before joining the Ph.D program inIITB, I did my M.Sc in Physics at Kakatiya University, Warangal and M.A in Philosophy from Hyderabad Central University.


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Carnatic Clasical, Hindustani, Western Classical Music, JK, GITA, Vipasana.

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